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My research has critically moved the needle forward within several interrelated domains within eating disorders and body image research that have been historically neglected in the field but are unequivocally important to patient outcomes. Over the past decade and a half, my consistent research focus has included: (1) seminal and impactful research on body checking and body image avoidance behaviors; (2) novel research extending disordered eating and body image research to understudied populations (men, sexual minority men, and racially/ethnically diverse populations); (3) developing and refining mirror exposure interventions aimed at improving body image, for which I received a National Eating Disorders Awareness Early Career research grant; and (4) improving assessment in eating disorders and body image research. In addition to my commitment to Union College as a highly involved mentor and teacher, my contributions to the domains of research I highlight here have been influential in the field of eating disorders.



Peer Reviewed Publications
*denotes student coauthors

Walker, D. C., Gaither, S., Keigan, J.*, De Los Santos, B.*, Schaefer, L., & Thompson, J. K. (2022). Development and validation of a measure of curvy ideals internalization. Body Image., 43, 217-231.; IF = 6.406


Fogarty, S. M.*, & Walker, D. C. (Accepted; 2022) Twinks, jocks, and bears, oh my! Differing subcultural appearance ideals among gay men and their associated eating disorder psychopathology risk. Body Image. IF = 6.406


Walker, D. C. & Murray, K. (2022). A pilot clinical case series of functionality-focused mirror exposure in women with clinically elevated body dissatisfaction. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice.; IF = 2.946


Donahue, J., Scharmer, C.**, Fogarty, S.*, & Walker, D. C. (2022) Establishing validity and factor structure for the Muscularity-Oriented Eating Test in gay men. Eating Behaviors, 45, 101631.; IF = 2.699


Martinez, K., Guan, C., & Walker, D. C. (2021) I’m angry that I’m not perfect! Aggression mediates the relationship between perfectionism and eating pathology in men and women. Eating and Weight Disorders.; IF = 4.652 (2020); 5-year IF = 4.462 (2020)


Gullo, N.* & Walker, D. C. (2021). Increased videoconferencing after COVID-19 stay-at-home orders increased depression and anxiety but did not impact appearance satisfaction or binge eating. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 3, 100080.; Journal IF = 6.829; 4 citations (GS)


Walker, D. C., Donahue, J. M.**, Heiss, S.**, Brooks, J.*, Ehrlich, E.*, Anderson, L. M., Gorrell, S., Morison, J. N., & Anderson, D. A. (2021). Rapid response is predictive of treatment outcomes in a transdiagnostic intensive outpatient eating disorder sample: A replication of prior research in a real‑world setting. Eating and Weight Disorders, 26, 1345-1356.; Journal IF = 4.652 (2020); 5-year IF = 4.462 (2020); 2 citations (WoS/GS)


Heiss, S.**, Walker, D. C., Hormes, J. M. & Morison, J. (2021). Vegetarians and omnivores with diagnosed eating disorders exhibit no difference in symptomology: A retrospective clinical chart review. Eating and Weight Disorders, 26, 1007-1012.; IF = 4.652 (2020); Journal 5-year IF = 4.462 (2020); 2 citations (WoS)


Walker, D. C., Gorrell, S., Hildebrandt, T. B., & Anderson, D. A. (2020). Consequences of critical versus neutral body checking in women with high shape or weight concern. Behavior Therapy, 52(4), 830-846.; Journal IF = 4.183; 0 citations (WoS); 1 citation (GS)


Walker, D. C., Heiss, S.**, Donahue, J. M.**, & Brooks, J.* (2020). Practitioners' perspectives on ethical issues within the treatment of eating disorders: Results from a concept mapping study. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(12), 1941-1951.; Journal IF = 4.861; 1 citation (WoS); 2 citations (GS)


De Young, K. D., Kambanis, P. E.**, Bottera, A. R.**, Thomas, J., Franko, D., Herzog, D., Walker, D. C., Anderson, D., & Eddy, K. (2020). Identifying duration criteria for eating-disorder remission and recovery through intensive modeling of longitudinal data. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 53(8), 1224-1233.; Journal IF = 4.861; 5 citations (WoS); 6 citations (GS)


Gorrell, S.**, Walker, D. C., Boswell, J., & Anderson, D. A. (2019). Gender differences in relations between alcohol-related compensatory behavior and eating pathology. Eating and Weight Disorders, 24, 715-721.; IF = 4.652 (2020); Journal 5-year IF = 4.462 (2020); 10 citations (WoS); 17 citations (GS)


Walker, D. C., White, E. **, & Srinivasan, V.* (2018). A meta-analysis of the relationships between body checking, body image avoidance, body image dissatisfaction, mood, and disordered eating. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51(8), 745-770.; Journal IF = 4.861; 32 citations (WoS); 69 citations (GS)


Walker, D. C., Murray, A. D., Lavender, J., & Anderson, D. A. (2012). The direct effects of manipulating body checking in men. Body Image, 9, 462-468.; IF = 6.406; 14 citations (WoS); 39 citations (GS)


Alfano, L., Hildebrandt, T., Bannon, K., Walker, D. C., & Walton, K. (2011). The impact of gender on the assessment of body checking behavior.  Body Image, 8, 20-25.; Journal IF = 6.406; 29 citations (WoS)


Hildebrandt, T., Walker, D. C., Alfano, L., Delinsky, S., & Bannon, K. (2010). Development and validation of a male specific body checking questionnaire. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 43, 77-87.; Journal IF = 4.861; 33 citations (WoS) 81 citations (GS)


Walker, D. C., Anderson, D. A., & Hildebrandt, T. (2009). Body checking behaviors in men. Body Image, 6, 164-170; Journal IF = 6.406; 57 citations (WoS); 148 citations (GS)


Hildebrandt, T. & Walker, D. C.  (2006). Evidence that ideal and attractive bodies represent different constructs:  A replication and extension of Cororvé-Fingeret, Gleaves, and Pearson (2004), Body Image, 3, 173-182.; Journal IF = 6.406; 20 citations (GS)

Invited Book Chapters & Other Publications

Walker, D. C., & Murray, A. M. (2013). Body checking and avoidance behaviors in men: Current findings and future directions. In L. Cohn & R. Lemberg (Eds.) Current Findings on Males with Eating Disorders. (pp. 135-148). New York, NY: Routledge.


Walker, D. C., & Murray, A. D. (2012). Body Image Behaviors: Checking, Fixing, and Avoiding.  In T. Cash (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance, 3, 166-172. San Diego: Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-384926-7.00025-6.


Walker, D. C. (2011). Body Image in People of African Descent: A Systematic Review. In Body Image: Perceptions Interpretations and Attitudes. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishers.


Anderson, D. A., De Young, K., & Walker, D. C. (2009). Assessment of eating disordered thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. In D. B. Allison (Ed.), Handbook of assessment measures for eating behaviors and weight-related problems: Measures, theory, and research. (pp. 397-446). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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In the Mirror: Functional Appreciated Bodies

Union College

Psychology Department


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